True Beauty 1 | Page 15

Good Friends

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What is a Good Friend?

A good friend is someone who is there for you through thick and thin, someone who has your back, someone who knows you inside out, and also knows that you found do the exact same for them. And you would do anything for them, because thats what being a good friend is. A friend is someone you can count on, someone who makes you laugh and someone who you feel comfortable to cry in front of. You might have one or two friends, you might have hundreds, but I'm talking about that one best friend. You know in your heart and your mind that they have you and you have them. That is something truly special, because good friends are hard to come by. Show them you care, because there are some out there who don't feel like they have that best friend. So charish it. And to those of you who don't think they have a friend, there is someone out there for ya, you just have to wait.