True Beauty 1 | Page 13

treat yourself to something small that isn’t a food or beverage, like a manicure or a new piece of costume jewelry

5) Make a list of your positive qualities.

Are you generous? Kind? Write down at least ten positive qualities about yourself and return to this list as often as needed to boost your morale.

6)Compliment yourself regularly

Either by looking in the mirror and saying something you like about yourself or writing it in a journal. Many times, we’re quick to compliment others on their success but hesitate to do the same for ourselves.

7) Say stop to your inner critic.

A good place to start with raising your self-esteem is by learning how to handle and to replace the voice of your own inner critic.

We all have an inner critic.

It can spur you on to get things done or to do things to gain acceptance from the people in your life. But at the same time it will drag your self-esteem down. Shut it up and listen to something else

8)Spend more time with supportive people (and less time with destructive people).

Choose to spend less time with people who are nervous perfectionists, unkind or unsupportive of your dreams or goals. And spend more time with positive, uplifting people who have more human and kinder standards and ways of thinking about things.

9)Challenge negative or inaccurate thinking

Why do you have low self esteem? Firgure it out then smack it in its face (unless its a person, in which case go talk to them).

10) Simply Smile

Everyone lookes better with a beautiful smile across their face!

Self Esteem