So, I am that smothered rose because I let myself be.

Take your Goliath of a foot off me and let me breathe.

Let the morning breeze steal a pair of eyes and help it find me.

Stretch your hands out to mine until my grip is full.

Be like freshwater.

Be everything I need, but always be you.

- Nelo Igbojesse

What does being creative mean to you?

Being Creative with words is like a Super Power to me.

It means a lot to me.

I’ve always believed that:

“Writing is an art, Art is Life and Life is Dynamic”.

It moves on and on, changing postulates and beliefs and perceptions.

So yeah, I want to be like that. I want to just be able to relate with anything and write under any condition.

I’m probably still trying to attain that level but honestly that’s what I’m trying to achieve. I want to be dynamic.

In fact, — I am Dynamic.