Just a thought

Everybody knows the phrase ‘practice makes perfect’ but when it comes to art, practice only makes better. Actual perfection doesn’t exist because art is an expression of our ever changing imperfect realities.

So basically the phrase means to practice a lot of the time to reach an unrealistic and unattainable goal. That’s a lot of work for very little payout and a little problematic of you ask me.

How is it problematic? Well for one, because we are not perfect yet we then have to measure perfection by someone else's standards. For example; if I want to be perfect at drawing faces like a particular artist then I practice and practice until I am able to draw faces exactly as they would. A better solution would be to take different people’s drawing styles into consideration and using them as inspiration for creating your own style of drawing faces.

This leads to the second point of how constricting this view is. Practicing one thing over and over gives you a kind of tunnel vision and blocks other forms of inspiration and avenues for you to evolve and expand. For example, if I focus on becoming like Picasso them I ignore inspiration from other artistes and turn all my focus on Picasso. Art should be fluid and free but this view stifles creativity and runs you the risk of copying and plagiarism.