amuel is the youngest son of Robert Sr. and Lois Blakes.
He is a graduate of Saint Augustine
High School of New Orleans, Louisiana
and furthered his education at Southern University of New Orleans where
he received his Bachelor’s and Master’s
Degree in Theology from Christian Bible
College of Louisiana.
Known simply as “Pastor Sam” by his
congregation the youngest member of
the duo is also a phenomenal singer who
has extensively traveled to various parts
of the United States and abroad singing
and evangelizing the Word of God to a
lost and dying world. He is truly a man
of vision, purpose and destiny and is
filled with a substantial amount of wisdom, knowledge and understanding of
God’s Word.
He can always be found in the wisdom
of his father and in the anointing of
the Holy Spirit. He is determined to fill
God’s people with the necessary principles for Spiritual Warfare by teaching
the believer how to study and effectively
apply the principles of God’s Word to
their lives.