Tru Issue 25 , Volume 4, 2015 | Page 26

FEATURE By: Jay Snook Chuck D and Public Enemy: A Force That Never Quits Public Enemy, the popular rap group created by Flavor Flav, Chuck D, DJ Lord, Khari Wynn, and Professor Griff, was formed in Long Island, New York in 1982. Blessed with huge success, they have performed to huge crowds, written powerful hits, and influenced lovers of music throughout the world. Known for their politically charged lyrics expressing the frustrations and concerns of the African American community, this Iconic group has made their mark in history, there is simply no group- like them. Tru. Entertainment Magazine, Chief Editor Lydia King sat down with the groups’ leader, Chuck D for a TRU. EXCLUSIVE interview about their latest project. A 5 disc DVD collectors set with never before released footage filmed in Minneapolis and co-produced by Tru.’ own, Tru: Hey, what’s goin on Chuck? It’s nice to talk Lydia Marie King, Kevin King and Mike Holmes. with you again. Tell us what you’ve been up to so far this year. appreciated having the opportunity to work with you on your first DVD Collectors Set. Chuck D: Been trying to stay warm in January in the east (laughs), but seriously my big thing Chuck D: You mean the Definition of Public Enemy? It’s is concentrating on rap stations. Like, Ten a 5 DVD set. I’m helped out by Tru magazine on one of Channels Deep, which is the world’s loudest those DVDs, they actually shot the Minneapolis perforrap entertainment network and Split Digital mance. “Dope” is a saying in hip hop and rap music in Distribution, which distributes close to one the golden era of the 80s, which basically said the people hundred record labels and puts them into the would get addicted to the beats and music as opposed digital storages like iTunes, Amazon and Spotito anything else out there running in the streets or by fy, and developing our labels under that distrithe streets. So, let us be addicted to great music that bution circuit, and just being able to provide makes us stronger, break that down into an acronym service. That’s our goal. And music and hip hop where we use it in records. You know the definition of and stuff like that. Public Enemy, like down with the D.O. P. E. There are 5 DVDs on that set for a great price out there in the Tru: What can you share with us about your marketplace. And really, if anybody doesn’t know about new D.O.P.E. project? The TRU. TEAM really Public Enemy, that is a great starting point. It has the