Trout Porn Magazine April 2014 | Page 48

This past month has taught me a lot about life, especially witnessing all those birds dying. I am such an animal lover and I love nature. Yet I eat meat and I drive a truck. I have been struggling with guilt. Feeling guilty for not being able to make a bigger difference in the world. I want so badly to help make it a better place and sometimes I feel so overwhelmed when I am driving around seeing all the garbage in the fences and ponds, seeing people throwing garbage out their windows, seeing or hearing about people being cruel to animals, watching rivers being completely destroyed by people, watching the news and seeing the riots and murders, etc. I feel so much empathy! I always have been like that. At the same time I want so badly to have FUN. Seeing those birds dying in large numbers like that made me realize that I am not in control nor will I ever be. All these bad things happened before me and will happen after me. I mean at any given point a meteor could hit earth and then what the eff was the point of trying to protect it? All I can do is enjoy MY life here and be PROUD of the good decisions I do make. Like never littering, recycling, planting as many things as I possibly can, making ‘green’ choices where I can, if I do take an animal’s life it I will try to make it quick out of respect, handling fish with the utmost caution and SUPPORT those out there who have started programs that help restore ravaged environments and communities across the world.

I leave you with this quote I came across a couple days ago which I thought was perfect! So here’s to having some FUN!!! :P

~ Grasshopper