Trout Porn Magazine April 2014 | Page 46

Something else happened this past month while fishing what we started calling ‘The Dead Mile.’ At first we started noticing a lot of duck and geese carcasses everywhere. We also noticed a significant increase in the eagle population. We put two and two together and thought nothing of it until two weeks later visiting the upper stretch of ‘The Dead Mile.’ We noticed 1000’s of dead birds...Still we thought eagles. I mean we were seeing upwards of 8 eagles at a time. Until towards the end of our day fishing in the carcass infested waters we started noticing ducks twitching out and swimming in circles. We watched in horror as the ducks continued to ‘seizure’ in the water then eventually slowing down with their heads drooped in the water. Unable to lift their heads they drowned or died on the shoreline in what looked like a painful death. Then the eagles and martins were feeding on the dead ducks and geese. Honestly it was awful! I wanted save then so bad! So driving home on that Sunday when no Fish or Wildlife people are available we were left with the internet and our own imaginations. Quickly assuming Avian Flu and the fact that we touched the water and ate our lunch with those dirty hands that day caused us to totally freak out!! We got home and disinfected everything. Monday we called Fish and Wildlife and they were on it right away reporting to us a week or so later that the tests showed the birds were dying from Avain Cholera... I won’t explain to you what it is but here is a link that will tell you everything you want to know. Apparently this can happen every winter and records of peak mortality reach up 1000 birds dying per day. The things you learn when out fishing...