Tropics Magazine #59 Tropics Magazine #59 | Page 38

BEAUTY NEWS “I’m thrilled to be the first African to formally collaborate with this global brand. I love Bobbi’s makeup and I admire how her products bring out the individual beauty in every woman and how easy she makes it for all women to look and feel their best.” Los Angeles, California - Founder and CCO of the company, Bobbi Brown explains why South Africa’s superstar was an easy collaborative choice for the cosmetic brand. “I’m excited and incredibly proud to have Lira as an influencer for our brand in South Africa, she stated. “I’m in awe of her inspirational life story and her strong commitment to giving back. Her positive attitude, natural beauty and confidence represent the brand’s philosophy of ‘be who you are beauty’.” can icon with an incredible global brand is an exciting moment. This collaboration will continue to amplify the brand’s original mission of delivering a range of makeup colors that work for all women. We look forward to this partnership and the continued success of the Bobbi Brown brand in the South African market.” Lira will serve as the brand’s first South African influencer. As part of her lucrative collaboration, Lira will appear in print editorials and online promo Ads for the giant cosBobbi Brown revolutionized the beauty industry in 1991 metic brand. with the launch of 10 brown-based lipsticks and a simple philosophy that “makeup is a way for a woman to look The Ad campaign will be shot in the heart of Johannesand feel like herself, only prettier and more confident.” In burg, using local talent and featuring local fashion de1995, the brand was acquired by The Estée Lauder Com- signs including Loin Cloth & Ashes by Anissa Mpungwe. panies, however, Bobbi retains an active role in the company as Chief Creative Officer. Now, 25 years later, Bobbi A first look at the promo work for Lira x Bobbi Brown sees Brown Cosmetics is the number one make-up artist brand her photographed against a plain background and founded by a woman. The brand is available in over 70 styled in a crisp white cardigan in one shot, then a black countries and offers a full range of color cosmetics, skin halter dress in another. Sporting her signature sunshine care, fragrance and accessories. smile, Lira rocks bold lips. Loren Dreyer, General Manager of Estée Lauder Com- Songstress LIRA’s new album is titled BORN FREE and is panies SA & SSA said: “Connecting a fellow South Afri- available on iTunes page 38 | Issue #59