" A must-have tool for Co-Leaders to plan meetings for the entire year and let parents know what ' s coming . It ' s best used to plan troop meetings , track awards and attendance . A great tool to communicate with parents and view troop rosters ."
The Volunteer Toolkit ( VTK ) is a comprehensive , digital support tool for Girl Scout Troop Co-Leaders .
CONTACTS & PROGRESS Manage your troop contacts while also recording troop attendance and awards .
GET ORGANIZED The VTK allows you to manage your troop year based on what girls want to do . Maybe the girls want to earn a specific badge or complete a Girl Scout Journey .
RESOURCES Find additional resources to support the activities your girls choose to do .
TRACK TROOP FINANCES Track expenses and income on the VTK , letting you be fully transparent with the troop . Parents will be able to view this , but not make any adjustments .