Finding a Meeting Space
Most troops meet in public , community centered locations – like libraries , churches , or schools . A great way to find a location is to ask . You never know who has a space you could use . As a good rule of thumb , avoid places that require a rental fee .
Supplies and Costs
We do not require Co-Leaders to buy supplies for their troop . Consider having all the parents bring in one or two bulk items to help build up your supply . You can also discuss an appropriate figure for troop dues to help cover any additional troop expenses .
Parents , friends , family and other members of your community can provide time , experience and ideas , so get them involved from the very beginning as part of your troop committee .
Your troop committee should include Co-Leaders , Cookie Chair , Fall Product Chair , and other adults who might help in various ways such as carpooling to events , being the troop first-aider , providing meeting snacks – the list is only limited by your imagination .
As a Co-Leader , you will guide the structure and girl-led experiences of your troop - everything from when and where to meet , how to communicate , and setting financial expectations .
Making decisions collaboratively , with input from your committee and the girls , will help the troop grow and flourish .