TROM Driving us crazy: How to fix transportation | Page 12

Toll roads are sprouting up all over the state of Texas. In most cases, the road suddenly switches from being a free road to a paid road with little to no notice. Oftentimes you’re forced to drive through at least one to two tolls before you can exit onto the feeder road. If you fail to pay the toll fees they will turn into violations and the violations will turn into fines - multiplying over time. Also, your vehicle registration will be blocked, your car may be seized by the state and this may lead to court appearances or jail time. Which is what happened to one woman in Dallas, TX who racked up $14,000 in fees and fines. After missing a court hearing in regards to her outstanding toll bills she ended up with an overnight stay in jail.(source)

From my own personal experience, after living in Austin, TX for 4 years, I have been ‘guilty’ of failing to pay on time on multiple occasions. It is quite easy to do because there are several different companies that operate in the same region, they usually bill you a month or two after you drove on the road, and within the same company you will have multiple accounts. So, if you log in online to check your payment history it will not link up with the other account that they have for the same vehicle, under the same license plate and name within the same company.