Trojan Supplement | Page 10


Below are a few simple weight-training exercises that are the most beneficial for runners , as they will improve your speed and running efficiency , and help prevent injuries .
Weight training may seem a foreign concept to some runners , because the more muscle you have , the heavier you are , and thus the more weight you have to carry around when running , which in turn will slow you down . However , that doesn ’ t mean you should avoid weight training all together . Adding some weight work to your training programme , even if just once a week , can actually be very beneficial to your training , and the five drills below are all proven to be beneficial to runners .
Before you add any resistance to an exercise , make sure you master perfect form with your own body weight . If you ’ re just starting out in the weight room , focus on these four things to help you choose how much weight to add : Begin with a weight you know will be too easy and perform three sets of 10 reps . See how you feel , and slowly add more weight from there . When the last few reps of the third set are really tough , start with that weight . You can increase the weight every two weeks , similar to the way you increase your running mileage in a training plan . By month two or three , you should be performing fewer reps and more sets , e . g . four sets of three reps , with heavier weights .
1 . Bent Over Row
Stand with knees slightly bent , two dumbbells in hands , palms facing inwards . Hinge forward at the hips so arms hang perpendicular to the floor . Bend the elbows to pull weights up to your ribs , drawing the shoulder blades back and down . Return to the starting position , then repeat for three sets of 12 reps .
2 . Reverse Fly
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and dumbbells in hand . Hinge at the hips so that your back is nearly parallel to the floor , with knees slightly bent . Let the dumbbells hang straight down , with the palms facing each other . Keeping your back flat and torso still , engage your back muscles to lift the arms straight out to sides until they ’ re in line with shoulders , forming a T of the torso and arms . Return to the starting position , then repeat for three sets of 12 reps .
3 . Single Side Weighted Sit-Up
Lie face-up on a mat with feet flat on floor and a dumbbell in the right hand , extended straight up so that the wrist is directly you ’ re your shoulder . Engage the core to lift your chest and dumbbell up towards the ceiling . Keeping the arm straight , slowly lower your back down to the starting position . Repeat for 12 reps , then switch to the other side , and complete three sets of 2x12 reps .
4 . Deadlift
Stand with knees slightly bent and feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart . Grip the dumbbells and hinge at the hips so they hang in front of your shins , with palms facing you . Brace your core and lift the weights by squeezing your glutes , thrusting hips forward , and pulling the torso back and up . Focus on just hinging at the hips , not squatting . Repeat for three sets of 12 reps .
5 . Lunge
Stand tall , holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides . Take a big step forward with the right leg and lower your body until the right thigh is parallel to floor and the right shin is vertical . Press into the right heel to drive back up to the starting position . Continue on the right leg for eight to 12 reps , then repeat on the opposite leg ., and complete three sets of 2x12 reps .
Works back and core muscles
Works mid-back , posterior shoulder , and rhomboid muscles
Works core muscles , including obliques
Works hamstrings , glutes , back , and core muscles
Works leg , quad , and glute muscles


Remember , you ’ re a runner using weight training to improve your running , not a weightlifter who also runs , so make sure you avoid these common weight-lifting mistakes :
Going Too Heavy : Leave your ego and competitiveness at the door , because not every lift has to be super-heavy and super-hard . In other words , don ’ t risk injury by trying to be a hero in the weight room .
Lifting Too Light : Runners work on endurance when they run , whereas the goal of weight training is strength and power , so if you ’ re always lifting low weight for high reps , you ’ re building endurance instead of strength and power . The solution is too lift heavier .
Focusing on Specific Body Parts : Runners don ’ t need to lift often , or for that long , to gain the benefits of weight training , nor do they need to isolate individual muscles . You can lift your full-body weight twice per week for 30 to 60 minutes , prioritising strength and power , and that will give you all you need .