Vigan is one of Philippines' most beautiful cities, as it showcases the Spanish heritage of the country.
Vigan city is located in the northern part of the Philippines and it's historical center, which is called the heritage village, is listed on the UNESCO world heritage list since 2 December 1999 for it's unique spanish colonial history in Asia and the very well preserved spanish monumental buildings which where build in the 18th century.
With this website we like to give our viewers an impression of the spanish heritage village in Vigan city completed with other touristic information about Vigan city which might be very usefull for those viewers who are also intending to visit the Philippines and planning a trip to Vigan City in the future.
People who will visit Vigan City will find a very modern and clean city with lots of restaurants, hotels and shops and many touristic sight to be seen. The climate in Vigan is ideal in the winter season with temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees celcius and if you like it more warm the the summer season might be the best.