TRITON Magazine Winter 2022 | Page 26

College Composition

Roger Revelle was not only a founder of UC San Diego but also a bigwig at Scripps Institution of Oceanography . Thus , his college halls bear nautical names : Argo references a Scripps ship circa the 1960s ( as well as Jason ’ s ancient vessel ), the HMS Challenger performed the first oceanographic expedition around the world , and the Beagle is best known for its notable passenger , Charles Darwin . Galathea and Atlantis may have mythical connotations but were also research vessels , as were Discovery ( not the space shuttle ) and Meteor ( not the space rock ).

The college now named for Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall once had residences that were merely alphabetical , but they now correspond to full words honoring its grassroots origins as Third . From A for Activism to V for Voice , go online to see what your dorm now stands for : tritonmag . com / thirdnames
Buildings at John Muir College follow the naturalist ’ s wilderness travels through the Yosemite area — Tenaya hearkens to a lake named for an Ahwahneechee chief , while Tioga is a mountain pass referencing the Iroquois and Mohawk term for “ where it forks .” The tree known as Tamarack yields “ wood used for snowshoes ” per the native Abenaki language , and while Tuolumne has many meanings , here it references the Yosemite meadow where Muir once led a flock of 2,000 sheep .
Earl Warren was the first Supreme Court justice to be honored by a college , and its halls take inspiration from people and cases of his court : NAACP leaders Daisy and L . C . Bates led the way on Brown v . Board of Education , and Justices Frankfurter , Black and Douglas were part of the unanimous decision to desegregate schools . Later justices of Warren ’ s court include John Marshall Harlan II , Potter Stewart , William Brennan Jr . and Arthur Goldberg . Hmm , nine buildings — coincidence ?
Roosevelt College
Warren College
Muir College