TRITON Magazine Winter 2017 | Page 44

May 12 , 1970
“ I remember vividly arriving on campus Monday morning to find a scorched patch of concrete in Revelle Plaza where one of our students had set himself on fire , emulating the Buddhist priests in Vietnam . That was a wake-up call for the Triton Times .”
Geoff Moyle ’ 70
" Will Drop Melon "
“ We sought to cover and inform the wider student body what was occurring and never veered from our responsibility to cover all sides fairly and completely . The 60s only challenged us to keep our heads and try to remain as objective as possible . Importantly , we also covered the lighter sides of student life and served as a unifying organ in helping make UCSD a great place to learn and mature .”
Roger Showley ’ 70
PAYING the bills
“ There had been allegations by student activists that the paper couldn ’ t really be free and independent of administration influence if it took money from the school . I didn ’ t necessarily agree with that view , but thought that if there was an appearance of a conflict of interest , it would be best for the paper to be on its own . I spent the summer before my junior year cold-calling local businesses to raise advertising money .”
David Eisen ’ 78 Executive Editor