TRITON Magazine Winter 2017 | Page 34

“ It seemed to me the Sierra should be called not the Nevada , or Snowy Range , but the Range of Light ... the most divinely beautiful of all the mountain chains I have ever seen .”


4Today we faced our most difficult day

4on the trail . We had hiked so slowly the day

4before , I was nervous we wouldn ’ t make it

4over our biggest climb at Donahue pass ,

4which was necessary to keep from going

4hungry . Crossing the pass in one day meant

4we could reach Yosemite by the following

4afternoon .

4We hit the trail that morning feeling

4stronger and determined , and held a faster

4pace as we approached Donahue Pass .

4Though I knew its steep terrain and 1,500-

4ft . gain in elevation would be taxing , I didn ’ t

4expect this portion to look so idyllic . We were surrounded by waterfalls , meandering streams and wildflowers like arctic willows flanking the mountainside . “ It looks like this was planned ,” my husband said .

At more than 11,000 ft . high , the top of the pass was covered in snow . Our trekking poles helped prevent us from slipping as we reached the top , and with each ascending step , I made sure to look behind me to see the view of the Sierra Nevada , the same view that marked Muir . He wrote , “ It seemed to me the Sierra should be called not the Nevada , or Snowy Range , but the Range of Light ... the most divinely beautiful of all the mountain chains I have ever seen .” I had to agree with him as I looked out upon this very same landscape , the jewel that is my home state and became John Muir ’ s one true home : California .
After descending through more snow on the north side , we officially entered Yosemite Wilderness . We passed a crystalclear lake of fresh glacial melt and trekked over wide river-crossings before making camp near a river by evening . I took a closer examination of my legs in the tent , which had felt itchy . I thought my arms and legs would be fine in long sleeves and pants , but both were covered with welts , which meant the mosquitos must have been biting through my clothes . “ I was mistaken about mosquitos ,” I told Michael with a groan . “ They like me , they really , really like me .”
VIEW FROM THE TOP " Making our way up the Donahue Pass , we met a couple in their 60s who were also out of their comfort zone . ' Our friends think we ' re crazy ,' they said , a common refrain on the trail ."