TRITON Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 7

Henry VIII
( SEE PG . 39 )
SENIOR EDITOR Malinda Danziger , ’ 00
EDITORIAL INTERNS Sherilyn Reus , ’ 16 Valerie Skerkavich , ’ 17 Brandon Yu , ’ 16
Sally Ride ( former faculty !)
EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Jack Beresford , ’ 88 Christine Clark , ’ 06 Derek Danziger , ’ 95 Pam Hardy-McFarland , ’ 97 Judy Piercey Roger Showley , ’ 70
Armin Afsahi , ’ 90 Jeffrey Belk , ’ 83 Charles Bergan , ’ 87 , M . S . ’ 88 Karen Bergan , ’ 88 Paul Bergman , ’ 92 Manuelita Brown , ’ 76 Nadine Corrigan , ’ 78 Samantha Dabish , ’ 00 Emily Deere , ’ 90 , M . A . S . ’ 13 Casey Eades , ’ 05 Sheldon Engelhorn , ’ 72 Diana Fakhrai , ’ 01 , M . P . I . A . ’ 04 Jeff Fenton , ’ 80 Dustin Finer , ’ 91 Tony Fiori , ’ 98
CHANCELLOR Pradeep K . Khosla
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Heather Buschman , Ph . D . ’ 08 Susan Brown Christine Clark , ’ 06 Jade Griffin , ’ 03 Inga Kiderra Scott LaFee Liezel Labios Ioana Patringenaru Christina Wu
Roosevelt . Any Roosevelt .
Alexander the Great
UCSD ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Jerrilyn Malana , ’ 86 Robert Brownlie , ’ 85 Annamarie Bezzerides , ’ 91 Neville Billimoria , ’ 82
Oprah Winfrey !
Karen Garsson , ’ 88 Taner Halicioglu , ’ 96 Jarrod Hammes , ’ 00 , M . B . A . ’ 08 William Jessee , M . D . ’ 72 Dylan Kelly , M . S . ’ 05 Sam Knight , ’ 73 Kristina Larsen , ’ 93 Edward Lee , ’ 85 Joseph Lima , ’ 87 Sandi Logan , ’ 86 Tony Lopez , ’ 07 Kevin MacDonald , ’ 94 Gabriela Manriquez , ’ 89 , M . P . I . A . ’ 97 Peggy Matarese , ’ 82 , M . D . ’ 86 Bart Meltzer , ’ 90
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Erik Jepsen , ’ 10 UC San Diego Publications Brennan Romeril , ’ 11 Taylor Sanderson , ’ 15
ADVERTISING Malinda Danziger , ’ 00 mdanziger @ ucsd . edu
TRITON ONLINE tritonmag . com
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Michelle Molko , ’ 05 Honorable Richard Monroy , ’ 85 Matt Newsome , ’ 91 Christopher Ottinger , ’ 90 Luis Pineda , Jr . ’ 84 Barbara Sawrey , ’ 83 Alexander Schafgans , ’ 05 , M . S . ’ 07 , Ph . D . ’ 11 Mark Stickel , ’ 02 Mark Suster , ’ 91 Suzy Valentine , ’ 89 Alonzo White , ’ 76 Ping Yeh , ’ 99 , M . S . ’ 01
Hi ,
I was looking through the Triton magazine ( Fall 2015 ) and saw the little note on the watermelon drop on page 19 . When I read the piece , and when my wife read it , we each thought the 112 mph was the watermelon ’ s speed when it hit the ground . This seemed too high to me for being dropped from the seventh floor . I did some quick calculations ( neglecting air resistance ) and got that 112 mph was too high or building too short if the 112 mph was to be the speed at impact . Adding air resistance only makes things worse .
I then went online to see more articles about the watermelon drop and to see if there were any calculations or explanation . I read about the history of the drop starting in 1965 ( a few years before I was there ) and the physics test and all . All of the articles gave the impression that the 112 mph was the speed of the melon when it hit the ground . I then did some calculations for the terminal velocity of a watermelon ( using reasonable assumptions ) and got a number close to the 112 mph . However the watermelon would have to be dropped from a much higher building to achieve that speed .
Clearly the terminal velocity and the velocity the melon hits the ground are not the same in this case . If the melon drop is being used to verify terminal velocity calculation , it is not clear how . If someone does want the velocity of the melon when it hits the ground they should do the calculation with air resistance ( not a trivial matter ) and verify it with direct measurement .
Bradley Hand , Revelle , class of sometime in the early 70 ’ s . ( The Vietnam War changed things around a bit .)
Ed : What say you , Tritons ? Anybody up for the calculation ? One thing we can help with , Bradley : Revelle class of ’ 73 .
In the Fall 2015 issue of Triton , Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet , Ph . D . ’ 01 , was misidentified as the first alumnus from Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( SIO ) to be assigned commander of the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command ( NMOC ). The first SIO alumnus in that position was Rear Admiral Brian Brown , M . A . ’ 87 , ( pictured right ) who commanded NMOC from 2012-2014 .
Read the feature online at TRITONMAG . COM / CLIMATE-CHANGED
Triton magazine Winter 2016 , Volume 13 , Number 1 . Triton magazine is published by UCSD Alumni , Price Center East , 9500 Gilman Drive , La Jolla , CA 92093 – 0083 , ( 858 ) 534-5630 . It appears three times a year : fall , winter and spring . POSTMASTER : send address changes to UCSD Alumni , Price Center East , 9500 Gilman Drive , La Jolla , CA 92093 – 0083 . Class Notes , news , obituaries and other editorial material should be sent to Triton magazine , UCSD Alumni , Price Center East , 9500 Gilman Drive , La Jolla , CA 92093 – 0083 or email : classnotes @ ucsd . edu . Advertising : contact ( 858 ) 534-9468 . Visit us online at tritonmag . com .