TRITON Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 56

HERE COMES THE JUDGE Lisa Rodriguez , ’ 91 , continues a career in the justice system with her recent appointment to the San Diego Superior Court .
Photo : Taylor Sanderson , ’ 15


Lisa Rodriguez , ’ 91 , takes the bench to make a positive impact .
IN THE STEREOTYPICAL IMAGINING of the high-court judge , the honorable gavel holder sits menacing and omnipotent , reveling in each and every opportunity to pound the stand and seal an unfortunate fate .
This depiction is of course absurd , but the sentiment stems from a deeper truth : judges hold tremendous power . It is a position of incredible gravity , as a judge is responsible for ensuring social justice as well as public safety .
Yet true to the great responsibility of judges like Lisa Rodriguez , Warren ’ 91 , often those presiding are not so much serving to punish , but upholding a duty to help the very individuals who find their way into their courtroom .
After 17 years working as a deputy in the district attorney ’ s office , Rodriguez was recently appointed to the San Diego County Superior Court in March 2015 . While the new position is a fitting indication of Rodriguez ’ s admirable career , she never believed she would find herself working anywhere near a court of law when she first came to UC San Diego in 1986 .
“ I came in there — believe it or not — initially intending to go into biomedical engineering . By the end of my first quarter I was pretty convinced that would not be the case ,” Rodriguez says .
Rodriguez refocused her ambitions toward public policy , working toward a degree in communications and participating in campus-wide student council . After graduation , Rodriguez took a year to help with key political campaigns while she determined her exact career path . It was advice from a friend ’ s father that led her to law school and , ultimately , the discovery of purpose .
AFTER AN INTERNSHIP in the San Diego public defender ’ s office , Rodriguez then served as a deputy with the City Attorney , and likewise in the District Attorney ’ s Office . Upon the announcement of Rodriguez ’ s appointment as judge , District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis remarked , “ DDA Rodriguez has gone above and beyond , distinguishing herself as a well-respected leader in our office . […] Our loss is absolutely the bench ’ s gain .”