TRITON Magazine Winter 2016 | Page 39


The latest products developed by the Coordinated Robotics Lab and its director , Thomas Bewley , aren ’ t just fun and games , but could revolutionize robotics education .


MiP is the original poster-robot proving that complex algorithms and innovative engineering can make for some serious fun . Short for Mobile Inverted Pendulum , MiP can balance itself and navigate on two wheels . “ MiP ’ s organic nature is particularly engaging : when it stands , it gently sways back and forth ; when pushed , it takes a step back to regain its balance . In a very real way , the dynamics of MiP mimic life ,” says Bewley .

EduMiP & EduRover

The MiP-makers at the Coordinated Robotics Lab have not only mastered the intersection of technology and toymaking , but are on a mission to democratize robotics education . Within UC San Diego ’ s Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering department , they have developed an extremely popular Embedded Control & Robotics capstone course , during which each student builds , models , programs and stabilizes their own educational Mobile Inverted Pendulum ( EduMIP ). Students start from a bag of parts and an inexpensive credit card-sized Linux computer , while each step along the way drives toward the review and synthesis of key elements of modern engineering disciplines . This educational curriculum is currently being extended to incorporate a small four-wheel-drive car ( EduRover ) with extreme four-wheel steering .
MiP is not only a master of balance , but uses this talent to be interactive and fun for all ages . Users can install a serving tray and test their skill at stacking games , or control the bot via a smartphone app to make special deliveries . Always the life of the party , MiP also responds to simple hand gestures and dances to the beat of built-in tunes or any music on the user ’ s mobile device .
MiP has hung out with LL Cool J , Lorde , Stan Lee and other celebrities at various Hollywood award ceremonies . The bot makes frequent cameos on television ’ s The Big Bang Theory , and is a fun fixture in millions of households worldwide .
Both EduMIP and EduRover can be modified in an infinite number of ways via 3D printing and additional sensors , actuators and subsystems of the students ’ choosing . As these systems are added on , EduMIP and EduRover become simply the chassis upon which budding roboticists realize their own visions for what small mobile robots can accomplish by leveraging situational awareness and feedback control .
Robotics enthusiasts and coders rejoiced when MiP co-creator and manufacturer WowWee released a software development kit for the bot , allowing code-savvy users to program many other actions into MiP ’ s bag of tricks .
In partnership with WowWee , hardware kits for this course are in the process of being mass produced at very low cost . Once available on a large scale , these materials will become the core of a two-part course for aspiring roboticists in high school , college and beyond . Using a Massively Open Online Course ( MOOC ) format , the course and materials will teach the salient features of robotics systems to a broad audience worldwide . Says Bewley , “ We look forward to empowering end users to achieve their own unique visions , and helping to inspire them to do something new — to use emerging technologies to make the world a better place . At its core , that is what this effort is all about .”