CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Matt Hale Jarrett Haley Janet Howard Laura Margoni Matthew Nagel Paula Thomas ’ 87
ADVERTISING Malinda Danziger ’ 00 mdanziger @ ucsd . edu
TRITON ONLINE tritonmag . com
CHANCELLOR Pradeep K . Khosla
ASSOCIATE VICE CHANCELLOR Alumni , Annual Giving & Pipeline Development Cheryl D . Harrelson
INTERIM EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Malinda Danziger ’ 00
STUDENT WRITER Nilou Shahbandi ’ 23
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dolores Davies Inga Kiderra Scott LaFee Erika Johnson ’ 11 Nicole Mlynaryk , MS ’ 20
UC SAN DIEGO ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Kimberley Phillips Boehm ’ 82 , PhD Brian Baumgartner ’ 09 Jeff Belk ’ 83 Karen Bergan ’ 88
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Erik Jepsen ’ 10 , UC San Diego Publications
Jarrod Hammes ’ 00 , MBA ’ 08 Gabriela Manriquez ’ 89 , MPIA ’ 97 Carl Tsang ’ 05 Alonzo White ’ 76 Ping Yeh ’ 99 , MS ’ 01
“ Reina Juarez is a UC San Diego treasure ,” says University Communications writer Erika Johnson ’ 11 . “ Her compassionate strength is the reason why UC San Diego ’ s Counseling and Psychological Services , or CAPS , has flourished , providing a range of mental health services for our students , even during a global pandemic .”
Visiting the Student- Run Free Clinic was an energizing experience for Nicole Mlynaryk , MS ’ 20 , science writer for UC San Diego Health Sciences . “ I hope for a future where every San Diegan has health insurance , but until then , I am so glad our community members are cared for at the free clinic . Seeing the students in action made me proud to be part of the UC San Diego community .”
Erikk Aldridge ’ 91 Neville Billimoria ’ 82 Hui Cai , MBA ’ 07 Adán Chávez ’ 18 Ellen Chen ’ 95 Gloria Corral ’ 93 Lakshya Datta ’ 11 |
DIRECTORS Kelly Du ’ 12 Sheldon Engelhorn ’ 72 Diana G . Fakhrai ’ 01 , MPIA ’ 04 , JD Janet Fisher ’ 76 Melody Gonzales ’ 02 Dylan Kelly , MS ’ 05 Sam Knight ’ 73 Chau Lai ’ 97 Philip ( PJ ) Loury ’ 13 |
Bosco Luján , MBA ’ 12 Michelle Molko ’ 05 Luis Pineda Jr . ‘ 84 Trisha Rassatt ’ 09 Wayne Rong ’ 02 Denise Whisenhunt ’ 90 Jennifer Winward ’ 06 , MA ’ 09 , PhD ’ 14 |
Triton student writer Nilou Shahbandi ’ 23 , was excited to learn about history from a more personal perspective . “ My work on ‘ Family Stories ’ was like reading a 20th-century history textbook , but the stories made me realize that while our family histories shape our personal sense of identity , it ’ s on us to choose how we carry that history forward .” |
CORRECTION : In the Winter 2022 issue , Triton magazine misreported the passing of Harold Skelly , Jr .,’ 73 , ’ 89 . He wrote us to say :
“ I , being the junior of that name , am still upright , retired , and living in La Mesa . My father , Harold Skelly , passed away at 97 and was in the class of 1948 of the US Naval Academy in Annapolis , MD . So , for those few , I hope , that celebrated my demise , so sorry . And to those who mourn , rejoice : ‘ I feel fine , not dead yet .’”
We apologize for the error , offer our condolences , and we are humbled by your good humor . — Triton editors
Triton magazine SPRING 2022 , Volume 19 , Number 2 . Triton magazine is published by UC San Diego Alumni , Price Center East , 9500 Gilman Drive , La Jolla , CA 92093- 0083 , ( 858 ) 534-9468 . Any opinions expressed herein are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editors or the position of UC San Diego . POSTMASTER : Send address changes to UC San Diego Alumni , Price Center East , 9500 Gilman Drive , La Jolla , CA 92093-0083 . Class notes , news , obituaries and other editorial material can be sent to Triton magazine , UC San Diego Alumni , Price Center East , 9500 Gilman Drive , La Jolla , CA 92093-0083 or via email at classnotes @ ucsd . edu . Advertising : Contact ( 858 ) 534- 9468 . Visit us online at : tritonmag . com