WHEN AN EMPTY NEST brought back cherished memories of reading bedtime stories to his daughter who had just left for college , Michael Genhart ’ 84 began writing his own children ’ s books . Six years , 13 books and several awards later , what started as a hobby has become much more — a way to honor and relive the diverse facets of his family , as well as show what family can mean to others .
His latest book , May Your Life Be Deliciosa , is based on Genhart ’ s childhood memories making tamales around Christmas time with the rest of his family . “ I grew up in a multicultural home ; my father is Swiss-American and my mother is Mexican-American , so our tradition at Christmas , like it is for many of Mexican heritage , is to have a tamale-making party called a tamalada . It ’ s a day-long party with a lot of work , but it ’ s super fun because everyone has a job to do , and there ’ s music , dancing and storytelling .”
The book recounts the tamalada and the many stories his grandmother shared , many of which had been passed down to her through generations . She not only shared how to
make tamales but also lessons for a happy life , encouraging her grandchildren to support each other ( like the tamales in the pot ), be flexible ( like the corn husks ) and add love to everything you do ( like the olive in the tamale ), among other invaluable life lessons .
Genhart also shares his experience as a father in Rainbow : A First Book of Pride , published in 2019 . As gay parents , he and his husband recalled reading children ’ s books to his daughter and feeling the absence of picture books showing LGBTQ + families like his own .
“ I wanted to create a book that introduced children to rainbow families going about their lives just like everyone else , while also celebrating the colorful meaning behind each rainbow stripe ,” says Genhart .
Genhart says he intended for the book to be enjoyed by all families , not just those who are LGBTQ +. He believes that introducing kids to the community at a young age could help
familiarize them and eliminate the prejudice and exclusion experienced by many queer families .
“ When children pick up books to read , it is important that they can see themselves and their families reflected on the pages as well as see people who don ' t look like them ,” says Genhart . “ And that ’ s true for all types of families .”
He also draws inspiration from the issues he confronts as a clinical psychologist in San Francisco . With themes of empathy , diversity and inclusion , Genhart ’ s books are informed by the principle that seeing oneself represented is an important aspect of feeling accepted .
“ Nothing is more delightful than hearing , ‘ That ’ s me !’ or ‘ That ’ s my family !’ from a child who recognizes herself in a story . Not only does this encourage further reading but it also allows a child to relate to important messages contained in the storylines . It ’ s a powerful way to build character and help them grow into who they are .”
What does family mean to you ? Tell us at : tritonmag @ ucsd . edu