“ A GRAND PLAZA rivaling the Piazza San Marco in scale …”
THIS WAS ALEXANDER ’ S IDEA for an expansive and wide-open gathering place — a concept most analogous to the Triton Pavilion , future home of university administration , student services and the Alumni Center . That project , however , was paused by the pandemic so that student housing and more classroom space could be given priority . But this plaza vision will soon find an immediate realization with UC San Diego ’ s newest “ front door ” at Pepper Canyon .
↑ IN THE CENTER of Alexander ’ s plaza vision was “ an amphitheater seating up to 6,000 .” Such a space has been in mind for our campus ever since , especially given that our abundant natural canyons could accommodate such a design . In planning Pepper Canyon developments , the topography yielded a prime bowled area , and the prospect of broad community access via mass transit made the space perfect for the Pepper Canyon Amphitheater , a place equally usable for formal performances and concerts or impromptu outdoor classes or discussion sessions .
Though planned well before the pandemic struck , a large , open-air space promised even more benefits in the era of social distancing , as the outdoors is more likely to be where mass gatherings would someday resume . “ Enhancing the public realm between buildings was already on our mind ,” says Clossin , “ but the pandemic emphasized the importance of really maximizing our outdoor space — not only with regard to the virus but just for general health and well-being .”
↓ INSTEAD OF Alexander ’ s “ aerial tramway between the beach and College I ,” how about a trolley that goes all the way downtown and to all of San Diego from there ? The UC San Diego Blue Line Trolley Extension will be an important connection point in welcoming the San Diego community to our campus . Beyond providing access to compelling research , excellent patient care and world-class performances ,