Trio - Upward Bound UB-1 | Page 5

Yulma Hernandez; Bethany Hernandez; Briana Torres


The data illustrated in the charts “Primary Allegations of Abuse” shows an increase of reported child abuse incidents year to year (Child Safe, 2016).

Primary Allegations Of Abuse



Organizations who work with abuse cases say they are overwhelmed to hunt for explanations or identify corrections to help children that are being harmed. However, if organizations include other professionals, they can alleviate some of the pressure.


This project aims to help reduce child abuse in Bexar County and educate adults about symptoms common in abused children. It also aims to encourage other child abuse organizations in San Antonio to do the following improvements: 1) increase the number of victims helped each year;2)increase outreach efforts; 3) improve screening procedures of caregivers.

What changes in the child protective system are necessary to produce improvements? Further research will examine this question.


1. Bugental, D. B., Ellerson, P. C., Lin, E. K., Kokotoivic, A., Rainey, B., & O’Hara, N. (2002). A Cognitive Approach to Child Abuse Prevention. Journal of Family Psychology, 16(3), 243-258.

2. Strouse, P. J. (2016). Child Abuse: We Have Problems. Pediatric Radiology, 46(5), 587-590.

3. Kiran, K. (2011). Child Abuse and Neglect. Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventative Dentistry, 29(6), 79-82.


We would like to thank TRiO Upward Bound for giving us this oppurtunity to research this topic and bring awareness on such a critical issue.

We would also like to than kthe staff an d instructors for their guidance.