Trinity x3
Trinity x3 is listed on its site as a product of Trinity x3 Muscle , a company that has a Contact Us page on its site . There you will find a provided address , phone number and email . However note that the address is listed as a returns address and gives no manufacturing information . The address listed is in Savannah , Georgia , but it is uncertain that this is where the product was made . Since you as the customer have access to this this information and to be able to contact the company to ask questions , you might want to contact them to confirm where the product was made and if it was produced safely .
Customer Service hours are listed on the site saying you can contact them 24 hours per day , 7 days a week . Also you have to call Customer Care to get an RMA number within 30 days of purchasing the product before you can ship any products back to the address provided . If you return a package without the RMA number the return will not be accepted . Overall the Customer Support information given is relatively standard , apart from the lack of manufacturing information , which might be a concern .
Safe & Secure Checkout
Trinity x3 has no SSL certificates listed under their product on their online ordering page . These certificates are important to ensure the safety of your financial information entered . You should always be cautious about making an online purchase without these . The Privacy Policy on the site says that it collects your personal information such as bank account information , credit card information , telephone and email as well as your address information .
http :// www . besthealthdiet . com / trinity-x3-reviews /