Trinity School Search | Page 2

Trinity School – Head of School – Position Statement 2
Founded in 1961 , Trinity School is a coeducational Episcopal day school in Menlo Park , CA . Trinity ’ s culture embraces the values of Episcopal school education and identity . The school is a warm and inviting place where optimism and energy reign . Trinity places a high emphasis on diversity , inclusivity and welcoming of students and families of all religious traditions , faiths and backgrounds .
Situated on two secure school campuses , Trinity serves an array of children and families reflective of the geographic areas of Menlo Park , Palo Alto , Atherton , Los Altos Hills , Redwood City , Portola Valley and Woodside . The Upper Campus currently houses 104 Kindergarten through Grade 5 students on the beautiful 5-acre campus at St . Bede ’ s Church and the Lower Campus . Early Childhood Program ( ECP ) serves 23 three- and four-year-olds on a lovely one-acre campus at Trinity Church . United by common purpose and philosophy , both campuses capture the essence of the school ’ s mission :
Paramount to the school ’ s philosophy of teaching and learning is the notion that intelligence is neither a fixed nor an unchanging commodity . Trinity students are afforded a program that intentionally expands each child ’ s capacity for learning in thoughtfully designed environments where children are not just “ taught ;” but are encouraged to explore , to investigate , to work collaboratively , and to probe and serve the world . Critical is the school ’ s pledge to inculcate a commitment to ethical behavior and an abiding appreciation for the differences that mark each human being as an individual of inestimable worth and dignity .
Trinity gives each child a voice . We guide children to self-discovery .
We celebrate the child ’ s growth in critical thinking , character development and social responsibility . Trinity School encourages Preschool to Grade 5 children from all backgrounds to love learning . We foster rigorous academics grounded in child-centered content and innovative practices .
Trinity upholds the values and tradition of the Episcopal Church and honors the role of the family in educating children .
The legacy of a Trinity education is a curious mind and a discerning heart .