TRIMESTER - Rotunda Library Newsletter Sept 2012 | Page 7

7 Volume 5 Issue 3 September 2012 From the Literature McDonald, S. D., et al ., (2012) Prevalence and Predictors of Exclusive Breastfeeding at Hospital Discharge. Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol 119 (6): pp. 1171 - 1179 Palanisamy, A., (2012) Maternal anesthesia and fetal neurodevelopment. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, vol 21 (2): pp. 152 - 62 Hawkins, A. P., et al., (2012) Sexual assault and rape. Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine, vol 22 (7): pp.199 - 204 Vais., A., et al., (2012) Stillbirth - is it a preventable public health problem in the 21st century? Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine, vol 22 (5): pp. 129 - 34 Carolan, M., et al., (2012) Experiences of pregnant women attending a lullaby programme in Limerick, Ireland: A qualitative study. Midwifery, vol 28 (3): pp. 321 - 8 Leahy-Warren, P., et al., (2012) First-time mothers: social support, maternal parental self-efficacy and postnatal depression. Midirs Midwifery Digest, vol 22 (2): pp. 221 - 30 El-Dib, M., et al., (2012) Neurobehavioral assessment as a predictor of neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants. Journal of Perinatology, vol 32 (4): pp 299 - 303 McDonald, G., et al., (2012) A work-based educational intervention to support the development of personal resilience in nurses and midwives. Nurse Education Today, vol 32 (4): pp. 378 - 84 Gagliardi, L., et al., (2012) Symptoms of maternal depression immediately after delivery predict unsuccessful breast feeding. Archives of Disease in Childhood, vol 97 (4): pp. 355 - 57 Hunter, L., (2012) Health workers' perceptions of obstacles faced by, and support available to, teenage mothers initiating breastfeeding. Midirs Midwifery Digest, vol 22 (2): pp. 235 - 42 Sites to Visit The aim of this website is to encourage people to become more physically active by creating awareness of the opportunities for physical activity at local, regional and national levels. Ag Eisteacht seeks to improve the lives of children and family members using evidence-based training and an emphasis on early intervention. Since 1970, the Coeliac Society has provided information, support and awareness to Coeliacs throughout Ireland. There to listen. There to give you time and space to talk about your experience in confidence. Rotunda Library Online Link The only web address you need to access the Rotunda Hospital Online Journals and Databases is: h t t p : // o v i d s p . o v i d. c om / a t h e n s This link bring you to the Rotunda Library News page which provides direct links to all of our online resources. You can use this link from absolutely anywhere, at home or at the office. Register with the library today for a Rotunda Athens Username and Password to access these resources.