TRIMESTER - Rotunda Library Newsletter Sept 2012 | Page 5

5 Volume 5 Issue 3 September 2012 mHealth Online Health Communications M obile Health (mHealth) is becoming more of a reality as medical practices increasingly embrace mobile technologies, according to a new study by CompTIA, the non-profit association for the information technology industry. While laptop and notebook PCs are commonplace in the medical community, the next wave of mobile adoption is well underway as providers turn to tablets, Smartphone's and applications to increase productivity and improve patient care, according to CompTIA’s Third Annual Healthcare IT Insights and Opportunities study. As mobile technologies have become more user-friendly, affordable and powerful, the appeal to businesses of all types, including healthcare providers, has grown. New devices, new apps and new methods of connectivity have given healthcare staff a broad array of tools to better care for patients, contributing to improved efficiencies and savings. A LWW’s poll shows that 71 percent of nurses use their phone for work and 66 percent of students use them for school. And it was also reported recently that about 85 percent of physicians own Smartphone's and many use them for work related purposes. The mHealth field operates on the premise that technology integration within the health sector has the great potential to promote a better health communication to achieve healthy lifestyles, improve decision-making by health professionals (and patients) and enhance healthcare quality by improving access to medical and health information and facilitating instantaneous communication in places where this was not previously possible. The appeal of mHealth is that it enables communication in motion, allowing individuals to access essential information irrespective of time and place. The many objectives and benefits of mHealth include increased access to healthcare and health related information; improved ability to diagnose and track diseases; timelier public health information; and expanded access to ongoing medical education and training for health workers. There are many areas that need improvement and development for mHealth to continue as a legitimate and uncompromised system for sharing and delivering information. • • • Data Improvement A big concern with mobile devices and digital assets is the genuine safety of our data. Technology brings with it the worry of where our information is being stored and so we ask “how safe is my personal information?” We are continually concerned with its protection. It is vital that new systems maintain a safe and secure method of transferring and holding information. Without this security the future of mHealth could be jeopardised. Technology Upgrades Whether you personally upgrade your mobile device, laptop or phone, or your employer begins to engage in system changes, upgrades are vital to the continued success and development of mHealth in organizations. Technology moves at such a rapid pace that it can be difficult to keep up. Development of Services As new technologies come to the fore front, developers must consistently upgrade and develop new resources including mobile applications, websites and online resources. This months 20 page supplement mHealth delves into the world of online and mobile health resources. Copies are available from the Main Library and also from the Library section of the Rotunda staff website.