TRIMESTER - Rotunda Library Newsletter Dec 2012 | Page 5
Volume 5 Issue 4
December 2012
From the Literature
Wiesenfeld, H.C., et al., (2012)
Subclinical Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Infertility
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol 120 (1): pp. 37 - 43
Wartella, E. A., et al., (2012)
Should Babies Be Watching Television and DVDs?
Pediatric Clinics of North America, Vol 59 (2): pp. 613 - 22
Murphy S., (2012)
Reclaiming a moral identity: stillbirth, stigma and ‘moral mothers’
Midwifery, Vol 28 (4): pp. 416 - 20
Lopez G. L., et al., (2012)
Transition of Premature Infants From Hospital to Home Life
Neonatal Network, Vol 31 (4): pp. 207 - 214
Bigelow, A., et al., (2012)
Effect of Mother/Infant Skin-to-Skin Contact on Postpartum
Depressive Symptoms and Maternal Physiological Stress
JOGNN, Vol 41 (3): pp. 369 - 382
Catteau-Jonard, S., et al., (2012)
Polycystic ovaries at ultrasound: normal variant or silent
polycystic ovary syndrome?
Ultrasound, Vol 40 (2): pp. 223 - 229
Heddle, N. M., et al., (2012)
Challenges and opportunities to prevent transfusion errors: a
Qualitative Evaluation for Safer Transfusion (QUEST)
Transfusion, Vol 52 (8): pp. 1687 -1695
Priddis, H., et al., (2012)
What are the facilitators, inhibitors, and implications of birth
positioning? A review of the literature
Women and Birth, Vol 25 (3): pp. 100 - 106
Cusack, J., et al., (2012)
Neonatal resuscitation: are your trainees performing as you think
they are? Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal & Neonatal
Edition, Vol 97 (4): pp. F246 - F248
Reid, J., (2012)
Respect, compassion and dignity: the foundations of ethical
and professional caring
Journal of Perioperative Practice, Vol 22 (7): pp. 216 - 219
Sites to Visit
Cochrane Journal Club is a free, monthly publication that
introduces a recent Cochrane review, together with relevant
background information, a podcast explaining the key points
of the review, discussion questions to help you to explore the
review methods and findings in more detail, and downloadable
PowerPoint slides containing key figures and tables. You can
even contact the review authors with your questions.
Irish Medical Organisation
iPhone app, the “Time Tracker”,
allows non consultant hospital
doctors to set, track, archive,
and export their working hours. is the only parenting Web site backed
by 60,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of
optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for
all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. is a
consumer health information site
that was launched in May 2003.
The site contains over 900 health
and medical articles written by
physicians for patients and