Trill Couture Magazine June 2014 Summer Intro | Page 14

1. Do you find yourself saying ..." I keep inboxing but they won't respond , why won't they speak to me ?"

It is perfectly fine to send an inbox to see if the avi that has caught your eye may be interested in you , or would at least like to meet you. At some point you will want to talk to your crush to see, if you can take it to the next level. Sending one or two inboxes is acceptable. If your inboxes have reached the double digits and still no response, you may want to move on. The person that you are inboxing obviously has no interest in you, and continuing to send inboxes may have you labeled STALKER!

2. Do you find yourself loading up in the rooms where your crush hangs out, and only in those rooms even if they are marked 'HOME' FAMILY & FRIENDS ONLY '?

Going to a public room where your crush hangs out may get you noticed , but following the from room to room , ALL the time can be a little creepy and can make the potential new partner think that you are overbearing and clingy before anything even begins between you two. It can also be awkward if your crush is visiting , their crush or their new bf/gf. The situation can rapidly go from bad to worse.

3. Do you find yourself following pulse and photo stream , when you normally wouldn't.

It is normal to peek around to learn more about your new crush but if you are following their pulse , pulses of friends they follow , and checking their photo stream and making inappropriate comments (commenting in a sexy manner) and they are not returning the interest, it can become extremely annoying and make them block you from their account altogether .