Providing kids a chance to do
something they never dreamed
and then seeing the positive
outcome is amazing. That is a
defining mission of Triangle
Bikeworks. We give kids the
opportunity and it builds their
We are all faced with a
series ofgreat
opportunities brilliantly
disguised as impossible
the community. It’s our way of
bringing the community
together around the love of the
bicycle. The first mode of
independence for kids of all
Because ofyou,
Triangle Bikeworks
has been able to reach
300+ youth
For each event we select a
"theme" for the ride and create a
float to lead the cyclists.
Participants are encouraged to
be festive by decorating their
bicycles before the ride.
In October, we collaborated with
the NC Bike Summit to speak to
confidence. Reassuring them of representatives from all over the
state on how we all put on the
something they were unsure
they had: the resilience and the event. It's relatively inexpensive
tenacity to succeed in whatever to hold a Kidical Mass event (on
they put their minds and energy average less than $500) with the
toward. Go TBW Hammercross!!! right community partners
participating and so much fun to
do. Here's a link to the "How To"
so you can put your own event
Kidical Mass Events
Kidical Mass is a legal, safe and together!
FUN bike ride for kids, kids at
Ki d i ca l M a ss S p ri n g 2 0 1 3
heart, and their families. Created
in Oregon in 2008 our first ride
was held in October 201 1 in
Carrboro and is now headed for
its 6th successful event in Chapel
Hill. The rides are meant to be
J e i m y - E ve n t R i d e l e a d e r
family friendly bike rides through
~ Charles R. Swindoll
We held our 5th
Kidical Mass event in
conjunction with the
NC Bike Summit
Triangle Bikeworks Annual Report | Page