201 2 Year End Report
Hello Revolutionaries,
Wow! As I type this and take a look back we
realize that since 2010 we've been able to
serve 19 youths in our leadership program.
Starting at the end of the summer of 2011,
the Freedom Tour of the Underground
Railroad comprised of 9 teens from the
Chapel Hill/Carrboro City
Schools district and was
a great success. It was
then that the
transformative seeds
were planted with
events that shaped the
lives of the youth
cyclists. And 2012 also
turned out to be an
amazing and incredible
year for the youth
cyclists and the
use of the bicycle in daily life. Colored text
provide links outside of this document for
articles and videos. All of our activities fit
into our philosophy of recycling and
bicycling, being good stewards of the earth
and community in which we live and to
conserve as much as possible. We also set
out to let them have as much fun as possible
as a teen while doing something good.
"What I will always remember
about this trip and take with me is
the spirit ofthe people who helped
us without knowing us. They did it
and they weren't obligated. I hope
to instill this in my own personality
and become a better person."
- Chris 2011 UGRR Cyclist
"I learned a lot about myself."
- Ifetayo 2011 UGRR Cyclist
Upon our return, in
August 2011, we got
busy and partnered
with the ReCYCLEry,
the Carrboro Bike
Coalition and Carrboro
Elementary to bring to
Carrboro North
Carolina's first Kidical
Mass event. We also
created and
strengthened other
local, regional and national partnersips. In
January 2011, the youth cyclists were invited
to the Youth Bike Summit in New York to
speak about their UGRR tour. Then we threw
a celebratory party for the cyclists and the
community that helped them. But all that is
in the timeline. Be sure to check it out.
"I learned so much about the
history that's not taught in our
history books or at school. I can
say "I was there"."
- Jeimy 2012 Tour ofDiscovery
This report is peppered with photos that
were taken by me or the youth cyclists. The
photos highlight them as leaders in the
community while promoting the practical
As we continue
planning for 2013
our focus is to reach
more youth and
bring these dynamic
experiences to a
larger audience.
There are great
things in the works
in the form of more
tours, film festivals
and stronger
partnerships. We'd
like to grow our
volunteer base so
there's always an
adult or a helping
hand near while
ensuring we
continue to meet
our mission and
fulfill our vision.
Consider being a
To our financial supporters we offer our
everflowing gratitude. You keep the pedals
turning on this wonderful idea of getting kids
back on bikes and building strong leaders.
Please consider offering a "Sustainer"
contribution. We do our best to give
recognition to all those who've helped us get
this far and to move forward.
Kevin Hicks & Suepinda Keith
Founders of SnR