have evolved from being ordinary human beings (nara) into
God – Narayan. To such beings I bow. When they become
Narayan, they can be called Vasudevas.
Questioner : Shree Krishna and Mahavir Swami - who
are they?
Dadashri : They are Gods. They are Gods with a physical
body. Why do we call them God? It is because the Lord has
completely manifested within them. That is why we call them
God, even when they have a body.
The Lord otherwise called Vasudev, manifested within Sri
Krishna. There is no doubt about this, right? Vasudeva is
Narayana, the supreme Lord, who manifest in a human being
Lord Mahavir and Lord Rushabhdev were absolute and
complete manifestations of the Lord. Lord Krishna is called
Lord Vasudev. He has one more life time left.
From Human Being To The Lord
Questioner : Can you explain in detail the mantra ‘Aum
Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya’?
Dadashri : Starting from the time of Lord Rushabhdev
until now, there have been nine Vasudev Bhagwans. Vasudev
means those who have evolved from an ordinary human being
into God; that state is called Vasudev. There is no penance or
renunciation here. Along with every Vasudev, there will also be
their opponent called a Prati-Vasudev (prati - opposite). On the
one side a Vasudev is born and on the other a Prati-Vasudev.
They are the PratiNarayan! The two will engage in a battle
against each other. Also along with these two, there will be nine
Baldevas, as brothers or stepbrothers of Vasudev. Krishna is
Vasudev and Balram is Baldeva. Lord Ramchandra was not a
Vasudev, he was a Balram. Laxman was Vasudev and Ravan