much in their deshna: “The four paths to life forms (celestial,
human, animal & hell) are sources of suffering, so dear human
being; you have acquired a birth in the human body form, the
only one, from which liberation is attainable! So get your work
for your liberation done.” They say only this much. They say
this when they give deshna!
At the moment we do not have any Tirthankars here in
our world and the siddha Lords are all in their own location. At
the moment I am the representative of the Tirthankar Lord. Yes,
when they are not here, I have the power in my hands. And I
am using that power, without having to consult anyone!
Nevertheless I myself worship the Tirthankars. Have you not
seen this?
Upaadhyayas have acquired on the right thoughts (vichaar)
and right speech (oochar). But the acharyas have all three,
vichaar, oochar and also aachar (right conduct); all these three
qualities are complete within the acharya.
Namo Uvazzayanam
Questioner : ‘Namo Uvazzayanam…’
Dadashri : This obeisance refers to the upaadhyayas.
Who are the upaadhyayas? They are those beings who are
Self realized and are studying the scriptures and teaching the
same to others. It is to such upaadhyayas, that we send our
obeisance. Upaadhyaya means they have understood everything
however their conduct is not yet perfect. They can be of
Vaishav, Shiv or any other religion. The sadhus of today
(ascetics and renunciates) do not fall in this category; they are
not Self-realized. Once Self-Realization occurs, all anger, pride,
deceit and greed leave; no such weaknesses would remain. If
one were to insult them, they would not exhibit any anger.
Would the sadhus of today get angry if insulted? Anger can
never be accepted at this level.