devas) are very different. The protecting devas of this sanyasta
mantra (sanyasta means that which breaks bondage and
attachment towards the worldly life, here it refers to the Navkar
mantra) are different, as are the devas for all the other mantras;
they are all different.
Questioner : But what is the advantage in reciting all the
three mantras together?
Dadashri : The existing difficulties of life go away! The
incoming difficulties in life are reduced. If you have a problem
but have connection with the right people or know the right
people, will your problems not be easily solved? For example,
if you are in violation of certain minor laws and the policeman
is your friend; wouldn’t you be able to go free?
Questioner : Yes.
Dadashri : This Trimantra comprises the mantras of the
Jain, of the Vasudev, and the Shiv; they are all put together. If
you want protection or help from the celestial devas, you have
to say all the three mantras together. There are celestial protectors
and guardians for each mantra who can help you. The Trimantra
is an instrument to please each mantra’s respective celestial
There are always celestial protectors behind each religion.
By reciting this mantra, we please these deities and hence your
obstacles are removed.
If you have any difficulties in life, reciting all the three
mantras together will soften them. This mantra is the solution to
reduce the effects of your past karmas that are unfolding. This
mantra gradually leads you towards the spiritual path. The force
and the impact of an unfolding karma that was meant to be
‘sixteen annas’ worth becomes four annas (division of a rupee),
i.e. it is reduced significantly. By reciting this mantra, the incoming
difficulties become light, and peace prevails.