Trendsetters 2020 | Page 26

> Build Looking at ERCO Worldwide By Terry Richards was changed to ERCO WorldWide in 2003 following a Jeff Fulp started with ERCO Worldwide’s Valdosta sale to the Canadian firm Superior Propane. The mother plant in 1996, when the facility first opened. company of ERCO and the propane division is the Su- “We were the first company out here in the Perime- perior Plus Corp., headquartered in Toronto. ter East Industrial Park,” he said. In the years since, Fulp has worked his way up from Superior Plus has plants in Chile, Canada and the commercial manager to plant manager of the chemical United States, according to the company’s website. facility at 5700 Hunt Road. While some of the Canadian plants ship interna- ERCO’s Valdosta plant is in the paper business, al- tionally, most of the Valdosta plant’s output is marketed though not directly. The facility produces sodium chlo- in the southeastern U.S., Fulp said. rate, a chemical used by paper mills to whiten paper. It The Valdosta plant employs about 30 workers, all is ERCO’s sole Valdosta product, Fulp said. salaried, with a payroll of about $3 million, he said. The plant was built in Valdosta for a number of “We are one of the top wage groups in Lowndes reasons, he said. County,” he said. Among them: The ERCO Electricity. plant has a good “We use a environmental lot of power,” safety record, Fulp said, and a Fulp said. major electrical “We’ve had trunk line for no issues of a Georgia and reportable type Florida runs in 23 years,” he nearby. said. “There have “The right been no major piece of property safety incidents.” was available, Employees and there was attend safety A peek at the sodium chlorate processing a good work meetings daily, lines at ERCO Worldwide’s Valdosta plant. force,” he said. Fulp said. The land The came through a company likes to deal with the Valdosta-Lowndes County Development recruit internally if it can, but will look outside the firm Authority, and a number of tax incentives were offered. in the local community as well, he said. “Government officials and chamber members were “We just hired a new chemist, a Valdosta State easy to work with,” Fulp said. University graduate,” he said. “He replaced a 24-year The sodium chlorate process also uses a “consider- veteran. ... There’s very little turnover; we have men who able” amount of water; the plant uses both private wells can say they’ve been here 15, 20 years.” There are no expansion plans at present for ERCO and city water supplies, he said. The company was originally known as Sterling Pulp in Valdosta, but “that can change tomorrow,” Fulp said. Chemicals when the Valdosta plant was built; the name 26 Trendsetters | Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce