Trendsetters 2020 | Page 16

> Build Studying the economic impact of vital Lowndes facilities T By Terry Richards hree of the biggest economic engines for Lowndes County are not, in themselves, commercial operations. Rather, they can be considered to be in the services sector — vital services. Valdosta State University, South Georgia Medical Center and Moody Air Force Base contribute thousands of jobs and millions of dollars to the local economy. According to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce, the three institutions rank as the leading employers in the county. > Valdosta State University Valdosta’s center of higher education began in 1913 as South Georgia State Normal College, a two- year school for girls that began with one building, 18 students and an emphasis on training teachers. At its opening, the costs of attending South Georgia State Normal College were listed in an introductory pamphlet as: • Annual matriculation fee: $10 (at a time when the average annual income was $1,300). • Books and stationary: $8-10. • Board, lodging and laundry: $12 per month. • Laboratory fees: $1-4 a year. Jump forward 106 years, through expansion, co- education and name changes, when in-state tuition at Valdosta State University starts at just more than $2,700 for 15 class hours for one semester, before meal plans, on-campus housing and other fees are even considered. With room and board added in, a freshman would be paying more than $6,100 a semester, according to the university’s rate charts. 20 percent of the people living in Valdosta — one in five — are VSU students. The total economic impact of the students in 2018 was $207,351,620. 16 Trendsetters | Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce