Trends Winter 2017 | Page 4

ADVOCATES PUSH FOR SAFER ROADS IN FLORIDA W ith more than 3 million people living in the greater Tampa Bay, Florida, area – and the population continuing to increase – the region’s transportation system continually is taxed with traffic congestion and safety issues. Many groups are working proactively to solve transportation concerns to keep Floridians – and the state’s millions of visitors – safe each year. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) began a statewide effort in April 1995 to promote safety campaigns and strategies by creating Statewide Community Traffic Safety Teams (CTSTs). The locally based groups focus on improving traffic safety in their communities. Statewide, more than 293,000 crashes were reported through mid- October 2017, with more than 2,100 traffic fatalities and more than 121,000 crashes involving injuries, according to Florida’s Integrated Report Exchange System. Nearly 6,500 crashes involved pedestrians with 428 fatalities, and nearl