About LVG
Landfill Venture Group (LVG) is an
intergovernmental commission
made up of 13 towns and the City
of Eagle River, within Vilas County,
Wisconsin. LVG has operated the
Highway G Landfill and waste
processing facility since 1989.
Top photo: Refuse at the Highway G Landfill is piled and compacted in the landfill’s Phase 5 Module 1, with glass residual material
used for daily cover visible in the foreground.
Bottom photos: A crew from Geo-Synthetics, LLC, of Waukesha installed a geomembrane liner in the landfill’s Phase 5 Module 2 in
early October. Staff from Ayres Associates provided observation services for the installation. The newly constructed portion of the
landfill is expected to be approved for use in late winter/early spring 2016.