Trends to Watch 2021 | Page 3

Pandemic buying and the fear of empty shelves from the beginning of the pandemic are still on consumer ’ s minds . While stores are limiting quantities to prevent the next surge , consumer ’ s fear of food scarcity is still a driver in shopping behavior . Instead of grabbing individual or small pack items , shoppers are opting for larger multipacks in the 12 , 24 and larger count variety , most prevalent in the beverage category . The pantry stocking mentality is also driven by the desire to limit in-store exposure and decrease shopping trips .
Consumers have been demanding faster , easier and more convenient options for years , but now they need those options contactless too . In 2020 , deli and hot bar grocery sections saw a major shift from self-serve to pre-packaged goods . Looking for more packaged , contactless and single-serve meals , brands like Kevin ’ s Natural Foods are a go-to for consumers .
Mostly driven by concern over safe shopping , fear has now transformed into fatigue of the lack of options . Consumers , while keeping safety in mind , are now looking for easy meal solutions through meal starters , packaged sauce , or seasoning packets . Over 40 % of shoppers are interested in trying meal kits sold in-store and 26 % believe they are a good replacement for a restaurant meal 5 . As restaurant restrictions and closures continue , the percentage of shoppers purchasing in-store meal solutions is expected to rise .
Whether it ’ s a flexible work-from-home schedule or a need for a furry companion , the pandemic has led to a boom in pet cohabitation . Not only are more people joining the pet owners club , but overall , pet parents are spending more time with ( and more money on ) their furry friends , especially after COVID-19 hit . When asked about pandemic behavior changes , over 60 % of respondents said they are spending more time with their pets 4 . The jump in pet ownership and quality pet time has led to an increased demand of both pet food and new toys and treats to make the time spent together more fun . Treats from brands like Cookie Pal make spoiling your furry friend , guilt free with their human-grade organic products .