A Look Ahead
Here is a quick glimpse into projects in the works across the country . Watch for more on them in our blog ( https :// www . ayresassociates . com / blog /) and in future TRENDS issues .
FROM BLIGHTED SITE TO BURGEONING HOUSING DEVELOPMENT Ayres ’ Development Services division recently tackled reenvisioning several brownfield sites in Craig , Colorado . The initial grant , written by Ayres , was leveraged into $ 4.25 million in additional funding for the city . The team assessed 13 sites and created development plans for six of those . One of them became a 20-unit attainable workforce housing development in partnership with the Craig Housing Authority ( CHA ).
Craig Housing Authority broke ground on the complex in fall of 2023 . With this development being the first of its kind in over 40 years for the city , CHA is hopeful that it fills a much-needed gap in the city ’ s housing supply .
INNOVATIVE FUNDING STRATEGY RESULTS IN BIG IMPROVEMENTS FOR SMALL COMMUNITIES Thinking outside the box when it comes to funding is resulting in much-needed improvements that would not have otherwise been possible for five small communities in northern Wisconsin . With funding and loans from the Community Development Block Grant ( CDBG ), the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources ( WDNR ) Clean Water Fund and Safe Drinking Water Program , and the United States Department of Agriculture ( USDA ), the cities of Hayward , Prentice , Phillips , Mellen , and Washburn can keep their residents ’ and visitors ’ water safe and clean .
Stemming from the environmental assessments and area wide planning completed for this site , the 20 units not only solve for the redevelopment of a blighted area , but also represent an investment by the city to address the rising cost of housing in the coveted Rocky Mountain region . The units will be for-sale to the public and owners will have the opportunity to build equity in a quality home that is energy efficient . The development , which is currently under construction , includes 12 two-bedroom units at 1,152 square feet and eight threebedroom units at 1,368 square feet .
Of the $ 4.25 million received from grant funds , the breakdown is as follows :
• $ 1.5 million from the Innovative Housing Opportunities Incentive through Colorado DOLA
• $ 2.75 million from Transformational Affordable Housing Grant through Colorado Division of Housing
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