Trends Summer 2020 | Page 34


In planning since 2007

$ 13 million in value

Constructed from

October 2018 through November 2019

24 homes acquired and removed

0.84 mile in length

33 family units relocated

Curb openings lead to flumes that direct runoff to catch basins in the median . Plants in the biofiltration area slow the flow of water , helping to remove particulates and reduce the chance of erosion .
The wider corridor also allowed construction of on-street bike lanes and a multi-use path along the east side of the Avenue , to connect the neighborhood to the City ’ s expanding network of bicycle and pedestrian routes .
The project was a priority for the City since 2007 . Why did it take so long to become reality ?
We simply could not afford the project ,” Grenier said . “ It was going to be a $ 13 million investment by the City of Green Bay . It was a one-time funding opportunity that finally made it possible .”
Timing is everything
Regional cooperation in transportation planning has been promoted for decades through federally mandated metropolitan planning organizations ( MPOs ). Federal funding for transportation projects is channeled through this planning process . When the population of the Green Bay area MPO surpassed 200,000 , it moved from one category to another , opening a one-time opportunity for expanded Surface Transportation Program- Urban ( STP-U ) funding .
“ It took agreement from all of our neighbors , all the members of the MPO ,”
Grenier said . “ They could have decided that the funding should be broken up , divided among several projects . To the region ’ s credit , the participating municipalities agreed that this project would benefit the region , and the project received the entire amount of available funding . It was a great example of intergovernmental cooperation .”
The resulting $ 4.9 million STP-U award made the project possible .
“ The City had a vision for that corridor ,” Robillard said . “ This was a high-profile project for the City , and we are proud we were able to work side by side with the City to achieve that vision .”
34 | TRENDS Ingenuity , Integrity , and Intelligence .