NHI Training by the Numbers (2018)
Transportation professionals participating
in NHI training
Instructor-led training sessions
spanning 114 course s
Training that took place online
through web-based instruction or
Increase in website logins
from 169,969 to 207,680 (and
238.9% increase from FY 2008)
207,680 4.7
NHI website logins in 2018
Instructor satisfaction rating on a
scale of 1 to 5 (all-time high in 2018)
Participants representing
state governments
Participants in Two-Dimensional
Hydraulic Modeling of Rivers at Highway
Encroachments course, 8th most popular
NHI course for 2018
Source: National Highway Institute 2018 Management Report, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
Adult Learning Concepts
• Participants want to have a chance to tailor knowledge to their local situation.
• Participants want to have an opportunity to interact with others during the training session.
• Participants want to understand why something is important.
• Participants have a need for training that will demonstrate the benefits of learning.
Source: “Adult Learning Considerations,” Office of Technical Services, U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration
National Highway Institute