Throughout the Chicago area, planimetric data also
is being used in forestry management, Krueger said,
explaining that the three-dimensional images of the
urban canopy are helpful in dealing with problems
caused by the emerald ash borer.
Data supports other areas
“Every department within a (GISC) municipality has
some use for the data we’re providing,” Krueger said.
“Combining these images with other data allows them
to make more intelligent decisions when making their
development plans.”
In Tinley Park, “it’s definitely utilized by all of our
departments. I use it myself probably three or four times
a week,” Tilton said. “Our staff raves about it. As we
continue to grow, to have these kinds of maps and data,
they absolutely love it.”
Tilton speaks with Krueger several times each year about
how best to use the planimetric data and scheduling
aerial imagery flights over the Village. (See the related
story on Page 11 to learn more about the detailed
process involved in conducting aerial imagery flights).
“Jason has always been very proactive. He delivers on
what Ayres says they’re going to deliver in terms of the
time and the price,” Tilton said.
“It’s not a cheap program for a community, but it’s a
value that continues to hold up,” he added. “The part
I’ve always been very impressed with is they have not
once not delivered at the time they said they would
and at the price they said they would. That is very
important when I have to report back to our Village
“Ayres is a trusted commodity in our community.
They’ve been very good to work with; they’ve
provided everything they said they would
and usually a little bit more.”
The photo sequence above shows an area of Tinley
Park, Illinois, and the corresponding mapping. From
top to bottom is the ground view of Oak Park Avenue
Station, an orthoimage of the location, and the GIS
mapping of the same spot.