A leading New Zealand home builder offers a
comprehensive range of plans to suit all tastes
and lifestyles, including meeting the top end of
the design and build market. The GJ Gardner
showhome featured here is in stunning Rich-
mond, Nelson and is full of design inspiration.
GJ Gardner was really excited to build this
home to showcase a more contemporary style
compared to past traditional showhomes, says
Graham Vercoe, franchise owner for Nelson.
The architectural new build has an H-shaped
footprint. The dining, kitchen, living and master
bedroom with ensuite are on one side of the
home. On the other side are two bedrooms, a
main bathroom, study and double garage. The
wings are connected via an elegant glass hall-
way, which also contains the main entrance.
“The open-plan family lounge is ideally
positioned to capture the all-day Nelson sun,”
Vercoe says. “The shared spaces have also been
carefully designed to collect and store thermal
energy – perfect for combating those crisp
winter mornings and evenings.”
A glass door can also separate the main
living area from the rest of the home – so there
is enough space and privacy for all.
Above left: This new H-shaped
Nelson showhome by GJ Gardner
features contemporary monochrome
styling with a pop of colour.
Above: First impressions count
– visitors are greeted by a grand
and spacious entranceway which
connects the two wings of the home.
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