MedStar-SiTEL and HealthStream
Use Gaming and Micro-Simulation
to Reduce OB Risk
John Yosaitis, M.D.
Lead Physician Educator; MedStar-SiTEL
Bill Sheahan
Corporate Vice President; MedStar Health
HealthStream and MedStar-SiTEL (Simulation Training & Education
Lab) have partnered in the development of a highly innovative OB
Risk Program. This program features clinical courseware dedicated
to improving quality outcomes in obstetrics—one of the most highly
litigious environments in healthcare.
More than 600 American women die annually
during or immediately after childbirth. Although
maternal obstetric complications develop in only 2%
of all births, they account for approximately 47% of
all low risk hospital deaths. These types of statistics
have placed regulatory agencies—like CMS and Joint
Commission—on high alert and have spurred the
creation of OB Core Measures in which hospitals
will have to report, verify, and account for their
obstetrical outcomes.
Together, HealthStream and MedStar-SiTEL have
developed and are delivering an OB Risk program
that uses interactive learning to help ensure staff
competency. The OB modules contain gaming and
micro-simulation techniques to increase learning
retention while developing critical thinking skills.
The overarching goal is to decrease adverse patient
outcomes, improve care in the perinatal period,
and ensure competent mother-baby care through
evidence-based training.