d gain a deeper understanding of how educators feel on a variety of topics,
o celebrating the profession and sharing your frustrations, your comments
ur social platforms. We look forward to continuing to hear from you!
What challenges do we face in Tennessee as educators in
protecting the integrity of the teaching profession?
I think programs, tests, and evaluation
systems should be better prepared before they are
implemented to stop all the confusion and changing
expectations from year to year. Be sure the program will
work and be beneficial before rolling it out.
-Sandy K.
Rigor...parents want
A’s rather than
deep learning.
-Megan B.
K-2 need the time to work on RLA
foundations. This is why 3rd graders cannot
read. We are rushing into comprehension.
-Deb C.
What are the biggest issues the TN Legislature should
address concerning education?
Issue 1: educational reform.
-Amy C.
read more on page 29
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