TREND Spring 2020 | Page 42

Choose one of the followin All sesssions will be available online in th There is no question that cell phones have taken over the world. Students, teachers, children, and parents alike all seem to have one glued to their hand 24/7. In this session, we’ll look at what works and what doesn’t work in trying to break the cell phone stranglehold that holds many classrooms hostage to a continual online world. Cell Phone Wars Tim Childers Knox County Schools One of the biggest hurdles in education is the rate at which technology changes. Once teachers become comfortable with a tool, a new one comes out. How can we keep up? Join me in this session and learn how to filter through all the software, connected toys, and hardware, to ultimately impact teaching and learning with the most effortless tools. How Technology Impacts What We Teach Dr. Katrina Adkins Education Technology Consultant SESSIO