TREND Spring 2020 | Page 7

ould O ff er one-size-fits-all or teach-to-the- middle approach, expecting all students to do the same activity, work at the same pace, do the same homework, and take the same test, hurts a significant portion of our students, especially when students lack the prerequisite skills. In addition, personalization better serves the best and brightest students in our classrooms. Technology must be an ally for modern educators in classroom instruction. A degree in education should never be the basis for deliberating public education or offering an opinion. However, common sense must prevail. Too many critics of public education are focusing on the wrong things, using faulty information, or do not have complete information. More importantly, many critics are treading into areas in which they know little to nothing about, except by hearsay. This is dangerous. on their readiness levels and student ability, which simply expands direct instruction to a more flexible and personalized approach to content delivery. All instruction, including differentiated instruction, must be structured, sequenced, and led by teachers “directing” the instructional process. A broader student-centered strategy built around personalization should increase the learning growth of all students. The That does not mean that public education is free from faults, or should not continue to transform and change. We must avoid the condition described by Alexander Pope about being “too vain to mend.” All citizens should root for the success of public education if for no other reason than 90% of the children in our nation are educated by public schools. We want our children to succeed and our economy to flourish in this changing world. That message would make for much better headlines.