The lines between digital and
physical parts of our lives become
blurred. Virtual Touch explores
how growth of our digital culture
will affect the apparel industry
and technologies used in it. As
the wold faces rising political
and environmental uncertainty,
consumers want to escape the cruel
reality and emerge into the virtual world
will grow with it. Highly inspired by
major technological development and
all areas of our lives become digitalized,
Virtual Touch will embrace hyper-reality
and our complete connectivity with
For apparel, this shift will take on fictional and
fantastical direction, as our clothes become
extensions of our bodies to help us more
through everyday challenges as our world
becomes more extreme.
As design becomes more digital, textures,
finishes and prints are altered to stand out on
screens and URL. Hyper-digital colours will
stand out against urban whites, grays, blacks
blur the line between physical and digital.